The History of Human Rights in Europe and USA
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was first written after WWII as a reaction to the massive and systematic homicide of millions of people in Europe. The history of European Human Rights goes back further than that of the US, but both are integral to the human rights of all people as they encourage freedom, integrity, respect, and cooperation between nations, and call for opposition to tyranny and oppression.
In Europe, the human rights declaration was written as early as 1215 A.D. under the name of The Magna Carta, which is translated from Latin to mean the ‘Charter of Liberties’. It originated in England and was first written by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
In the US, the first human rights were written into the Declaration of Independence and state that all men are equal and ought to enjoy the right to liberty, freedom, and pursuit of general happiness. Although there are differences in time, both the US and Europe seek to promote human rights awareness.
Current State
The current difference between US and European foreign policy regarding human rights is both political and ideological.
In the US, according to a study conducted by the Directorate – General for External Policies, human rights tend to focus on groups that deal with anti-Semitism, women’s rights, democracy, civil rights, disability rights, LGBT rights, labour rights, and religious rights, among others.
Europe’s policies have a more general inclination, and address the economic, political, cultural, and social rights of all people including refugees. Perhaps this is because of the differences in the structures of the nations; in Europe, each nation has its own culture, identity, and economy; whereas, in the US, the economy and quality of life might generally be more stable and the culture more homogenized. Thus the issues at hand become progressively more specified to particular groups because groups seek to differentiate themselves by claiming their need for specific rights. Speculation aside, these inquiries are enhanced by having positive seo hosting.
No matter what the claim, the wider the audience, the better chance there is for dialogue and what we all need to move human rights policy forward in an unstable and ever-changing world.